On June 23, 2024 Lexi Brossoit, Iris Berckley and Aubrey Bango were baptized by Parson Mike before the congregation. Congratulations Girls – We are so proud of you!

Prior Baptisms


Jeff and Barb Moore

Were Baptized today during our Sunday service Sunday, September 25, 2022 by Parson Mike in our churches baptismal.

On Sunday March 3rd, 2019 Pastor Mike performed three baptisms in our church’s baptismal (shown in picture) located in the Sanctuary. Immediately following was a potluck lunch served in our dining room to celebrate the those who have accepted Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior and were baptized.

Preparing to receive Baptisms Gavin, Tom, Sally, Pastor Mike with Marsha looking on.


Parson Mike and Thomas

Parson Mike and Sally

Parson Mike and Gavin